Vic Gundotra, Google’s senior vice president of engineering, today took to the company’s official blog to post about Google+’s newest added features, numbered 92-100, respectively. The biggest news out of his rather longish list was really the 100th: as of now, anybody who wants one can sign up for a Google+ account, that’s with or without an invitation from a peer with more social media diligence.
If Google is really intent about catching up with Facebook’s accumulated 750 million users, opening its social network to everyone is a move in the right direction because unlatching the floodgates is bound to do much in terms of bridging the remaining gulf.
Also announced were a Google+ search feature, new tools for screen sharing, shared doodling, and a rattle of tweaks for Hangouts — these last can now be named, accessed through mobile phones, and recorded and broadcast live. The fresh cherry on top is that Hangouts APIs have also been released. Google+ has been out for less than 90 days, so all this amounts to more than one daily improvement that’s been introduced since day número uno.
Gundotra’s post also touched on Google’s newfangled — and still challenging — focus: “bring[ing] the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software.”
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