Recently, Ann Smarty of Search Engine Journal wrote about three new Twitter Search FireFox Add-ons….
Social Media Marketing Blog
Recently, Ann Smarty of Search Engine Journal wrote about three new Twitter Search FireFox Add-ons….
After conducting a series of in-house studies to discover how the popular micro-blogging service was…
Businesses large and small have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon for product promotion and other…
As part of an effort to integrate real-time data into search results, Microsoft has announced that its one-month-old search engine Bing now includes the latest tweets of Twitter users. While Bing will not feature all of Twitter at this time, it will index a few thousand of the more prominent Twitterers based on their follower count and volume of Tweets. The list of Twitter users includes everyone from search technology journalist Danny Sullivan to people like Al Gore and Ashton Kutcher.